Lizzy v1.1.1

Class Brush

  extended by christophedelory.playlist.smil.Core
      extended by christophedelory.playlist.smil.AbstractSmilElement
          extended by christophedelory.playlist.smil.Brush

public class Brush
extends AbstractSmilElement

Represents a lightweight media object element which allows an author to paint a solid color or other pattern in place of a media object. Thus, all attributes associated with media objects may also be applied to brush. Since all information about the media object is specified in the attributes of the element itself, the src attribute is ignored, and thus is not required.

$Revision: 92 $
Christophe Delory

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void acceptDown(SmilVisitor visitor)
          Accepts the specified SMIL playlist visitor.
 String getColor()
          Returns the color to use for brushing media object element.
 void setColor(String color)
          Initializes the color of the brush element.
Methods inherited from class christophedelory.playlist.smil.AbstractSmilElement
getBeginString, getDuration, getDurationString, getEnd, getMax, getMin, getParent, getRegionString, getRepeatCount, getRepeatCountString, getRepeatDuration, setBeginString, setDuration, setDurationString, setEnd, setMax, setMin, setParent, setRegionString, setRepeatCount, setRepeatCountString, setRepeatDuration
Methods inherited from class christophedelory.playlist.smil.Core
getClassName, getId, getLang, getTitle, setClassName, setId, setLang, setTitle
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Brush()
Method Detail


public String getColor()
Returns the color to use for brushing media object element. The use and definition of this attribute are identical to the "background-color" property in the CSS2 specification.

the color to use for brushing media object element. May be null.
See Also:


public void setColor(String color)
Initializes the color of the brush element.

color - the color as a string. May be null.
See Also:


public void acceptDown(SmilVisitor visitor)
Description copied from class: AbstractSmilElement
Accepts the specified SMIL playlist visitor.

Specified by:
acceptDown in class AbstractSmilElement
visitor - a SMIL playlist visitor. Shall not be null.

© 2008-2009 Christophe Delory

Copyright © 2008-2009 Christophe Delory. All Rights Reserved.