Lizzy v1.1.1

Package christophedelory.atom

The Atom (XML-based) Web content and metadata syndication format.


Class Summary
Category Conveys information about a category associated with an entry or feed.
Common The common definitions in an Atom element.
Content Contains or links to the content of an entry.
Entry Represents an individual entry, acting as a container for metadata and data associated with the entry.
Feed An Atom Feed Document is a representation of an Atom feed, including metadata about the feed, and some or all of the entries associated with it.
Generator The agent used to generate a feed, for debugging and other purposes.
Link A reference from an entry or feed to a Web resource.
Person An element that describes a person, corporation, or similar entity.
Source This element is designed to allow the aggregation of entries from different feeds while retaining information about an entry's source feed.
TextContainer Human-readable text, usually in small quantities.
Type A typed Atom element.
URIContainer An URI container.

Package christophedelory.atom Description

The Atom (XML-based) Web content and metadata syndication format. Atom is an XML-based document format that describes lists of related information known as "feeds". Feeds are composed of a number of items, known as "entries", each with an extensible set of attached metadata. For example, each entry has a title.
The primary use case that Atom addresses is the syndication of Web content such as weblogs and news headlines to Web sites as well as directly to user agents.
The specification can be found here.

© 2008-2009 Christophe Delory

Copyright © 2008-2009 Christophe Delory. All Rights Reserved.