Lizzy v1.1.1

Package christophedelory.content

A content (media or not), and related metadata.


Interface Summary
ContentMetadataProvider Fills the metadata of a given content.

Class Summary
Content The definition of a content and its metadata.
ContentMetadataCenter Fills the metadata of a given content through metadata providers.
FFMPEGMetadataProvider A content metadata provider based on a FFMPEG Java binding, FFMPEG-Java.
ImageMetadataProvider A content metadata provider based on a AWT BufferedImage.
SoundMetadataProvider A content metadata provider based on the Java Sound API.
VLCMetadataProvider Deprecated. Unable to make it work at the moment...

Package christophedelory.content Description

A content (media or not), and related metadata.

© 2008-2009 Christophe Delory

Copyright © 2008-2009 Christophe Delory. All Rights Reserved.